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The Bulkley Valley School District is located in the province of British Columbia, Canada, Lat 54.20N, 126.20W. In the school district are the communities of Witset, Smithers, Telkwa, Quick and Houston. It contains seven schools: five elementary and two high schools.

The industry of the community is mixed – agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, mining. Unparalleled recreation opportunities – skiing (downhill and cross country), fishing, hiking and canoeing can be found within the area.

The Bulkley Valley is named for Colonel Charles S. Bulkley, engineer-in-chief for the Western Union Telegraph Company’s project to construct a telegraph line through the uncharted wilderness to Alaska. The name is, indeed, Bulkley, not Buckley or Bulkey as is sometimes misspelled.

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The school district is aptly named, with its schools drawing pupils within the valley drained by the Bulkley River and its tributaries.